jeudi 17 janvier 2013

L'Art et la démarche artistique selon Alex et Alyson Grey.

"Due to its visionary richness, I think the entheogenic experience has great importance for fueling an artistic and cultural renaissance. By giving artists a meaningful experience and access to deeper and higher aspects of their soul, they are given a subject worth making art about. A worthy subject is an artist's most important discovery -- it's the magnetic passion that burns in their work and attracts them to it, and also determines whether they will attempt to evoke what is deepest and highest in their viewers."
-Alex Grey
The Creative Process:
1). Formulation: discovery of the artist's subject or problem
2). Saturation: a period of intense research on the subject/problem
3). Incubation: letting the unconscious sift the information and develop a response
4). Inspiration: a flash of your own unique solution to the problem
5). Translation: bringing the internal solution to outer form
6). Integration: sharing the creative answer with the world, and getting feedback

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